Know Haviland
Learn everything you need to know about living in Haviland. Here you will find the friendly staff that keeps everything ticking and working properly along with those who govern Haviland. Your will also find information on Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes as well as City Ordinances and information on Utilities.

The City is governed by a council of five members. Regular meetings of the council are held the second Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise posted. The mayor presides at all meetings. A special meeting may be called by the mayor or acting mayor on written request of any three members of the council, specifying the object and purpose of the meeting. This request is read at the meeting and entered at length in the minutes. In all cases, it requires a majority of the council members to constitute a quorum to do business. When the council is equally divided, the mayor casts the deciding vote.
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day. To protect that quality, there are many ordinances which help guide the way. Click the link to view the most recent or stop by City Hall and request a copy of the ordinance you'd like.


Michelle Adams-City Clerk
Wes Adams-Director of Public Works
Clarence Banzet-Water/Wastewater Operator
Leaann Banzet-Animal Control/Ordinance Officer
Sean Barber-Public Works Assistant
Justin Teel-City Maintenance

The City of Haviland provides residents and businesses water and wastewater treatment. Electricity is provided by Southern Pioneer and Gas is provided by Kansas Gas Service. Current information on City Utilities and the application form for new service can be found here.
Haviland is an amazing place to immerse yourself into a rich culture, which can surprise you with its history, entertainment and celebrations. Contact us and let us know how we are doing or if you have a general question regarding the best little city in Kansas!